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  • The Wide and Diverse World of RF Antennas


    Electromagnetic (EM) Antennas are an essential component for virtually all transmission and reception systems that operate in the RF, microwave, millimeter-wave (mmW), and terahertz (THz) frequency ranges. Another way to look at EM Antennas, is that these antennas can be designed to convert conducted EM signals to radiated EM signals, and vice versa, from kilohertz ..

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    Low-PIM, Low-loss, and Phase-Stable Cable Assembly Application Considerations


    Coaxial cables are arguably the most common RF/microwave physical interconnect technology. Outside of waveguides and planar interconnect, coaxial cable assemblies are one of the few proven methods of reliably connecting RF/microwave/millimeter-wave networks. Given the diverse range of applications for coaxial cable assemblies, these cables are not one-size-fits-all. There are a variety of different coaxial cable ..

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    Bidirectional Amplifier Basics


    A Bidirectional Amplifier, or Bi-directional Amplifier (bda), is an active RF device that is widely used in a variety of telecommunication, radar, and other RF sensing applications. Though conceptually a Bidirectional Amplifier performs a relatively simple operation, the internal electronics can be somewhat complex. Moreover, many applications favor certain names and types of Bidirectional Amplifiers, ..

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    Assembling an RF Coaxial Cable Assembly


        RF coaxial cable assemblies are a ubiquitous form of RF interconnect found in virtually all RF and some analog and high-speed digital systems. The benefits of RF coaxial cabling over other cabling are well known but are only achievable with proper coaxial cable assembly. This blog outlines the general steps and tools needed ..

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    Introduction to RF/Microwave Launch Accessories & Field Replaceable Connectors


    Many RF/microwave applications use connectorized modules that are hermetically or otherwise sealed to protect sensitive internal electronics from the elements. In some rugged applications, such as military, aerospace, industrial, and telecommunications, the exposed connectors on these modules can become corroded or otherwise damaged during regular use. This is especially true if the external connectors are ..

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    Pasternack to Showcase Innovative New RF/Microwave Products at IEEE MTT-S IMS 2022


    Pasternack is excited to return as an exhibitor to the International Microwave Symposium / IMS trade show, formerly called MTT-S or the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society trade show, which will be held this year in Denver, CO. The IEEE MTTS International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the world’s foremost conference covering the UHF, RF, wireless, ..

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    More on ISM Bands Around the World


    Though not likely the original intent of the creators of the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio frequency bands commonly accepted throughout the world, much of the modern ISM bands usage is now low-power wireless communications. A large portion of Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology is reliant on “unlicensed” but not “unregulated” ISM bands. This is an ..

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    What is a Dielectric Resonator Antenna?


    Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) are antennas formed from resonant dielectric radiators fed by a conductor carrying an RF signal. In this way, DRAs convert unguided waves transmitted by conductors to guided waves that are then emitted from the dielectric structure. As DRAs transmit through a dielectric there are no conductor losses and the potential for ..

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    Dielectrics at High Frequencies


    Dielectrics are one of the three main categories of electrical materials, the other two being conductors and semiconductors. Common dielectrics used in electronic systems are ceramics, glasses, gemstones, and polymers. Dielectrics, or insulators, are described as being very poor electrical conductors, and unlike conductors, allow for electrical fields to pass through them. However, the electric fields ..

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    Role of Analog-to-Digital (ADC) Converters in Spectrum Analyzers


    Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are the backbone of virtually all modern test and measurement equipment. These devices are responsible for converting the real-world RF signals to digital signals that can then be further processed/stored and displayed to the user. There have been significant advances in ADC technology in recent years, with much faster ADCs with higher ..

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