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  • How High is a Coaxial Cables Max Frequency?


    Coaxial cable is the most commonly used transmission line for RF and microwave applications, because it provides reliable transmission with the benefits of wide bandwidth and low loss and high isolation. Major manufacturers of transmitting equipment, i.e. radio and TV, radar, GPS, emergency management systems, air and marine craft, use coaxial cables. The uses of ..

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    Analog vs. Digital Beamforming


    Beamforming as a Buzzword Beamforming is used for directional signal transmission and reception with the versatility to change both amplitude and phase to help regulate power needs and steer the beam in the intended direction. Bandwidth from 6 to 100 GHz, or millimeter Wave (mmWave), is likely an integral part of future mobile broadband as ..

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    What is Beamforming?


    In array antennas, beamforming, also known as spatial filtering, is a signal processing technique used to transmit or receive radio or sound waves in a directional signal. Beamforming applications are found in radar and sonar systems, wireless communications, and in acoustics and biomedicine equipment. Beamforming and beam scanning are generally accomplished by phasing the feed ..

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    Waveguide Frequencies and Geometries


    Loss, whether due to radiation leakage or conduction resonance, is a common problem in RF microwave transmission lines, especially when high-powered frequency transmissions are involved. The solution? Waveguides. Waveguide Basics A waveguide is an electromagnetic feed line used for high frequency microwave signals in high-power transmitters and receivers and is used in radar equipment, in ..

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    An Array of Antenna Arrays


    An antenna array, or phased array, is a set of two or more antennas whose signals are combined in order to improve performance over that of a single antenna. An antenna array is used to increase overall gain, provide diversity reception, cancel out interference, maneuver the array in a particular direction, gage the direction of ..

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    Types of Antennas at the RF and Microwave Frequency


    Monopole The monopole is a resonant antenna and the length of the antenna is determined by the wavelength of the radio waves being received and transmitted. A monopole antenna is usually made of a single conductor mounted over the ground with one side of the feedline from the receiver or transmitter connected to the conductor ..

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    Antenna Performance Criteria Part 2


    Antennas are essential components of RF and microwave devices and are used in a wide variety of applications including radio and television broadcasting, radar, cellular transmission, and satellite communications to name a few. Antennas are designed to transmit and receive radio waves determined by the design of the application intended to receive the transmissions and ..

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    Antenna Performance Criteria (Gain and Radiated Efficiency) – Part 1


    RF Antennas Antennas are used to channel radio waves for the purpose of communicating information across distances without wires. Antennas are necessary for a radio receiver or transmitter to convey signals between, for example, radio and television broadcast, cellular networks, Wi-Fi devices, radar and GPS, and remote control devices. Antennas transmit and receive radio waves ..

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    Coaxial Cable Loss due to Loss Tangent


    Electrical losses in a coaxial cable create heat in the outer and center conductors and are the two main types of coaxial cable loss, skin-effect loss and dielectric loss, respectively. This heat, or loss, can be calculated with the understanding of the following concepts. What is Skin Effect Loss? In coaxial cable, skin effect is ..

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    Coaxial Cable Loss due to Dielectric Conduction


    The coaxial cable provides a transmission line with low loss characteristics that can shield from outside signals and provide a durable yet flexible line that can be used in a variety of applications with a wide range of frequencies.  At microwave frequencies, much of the loss in coaxial cable transmission lines is characterized as metal ..

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