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  • Not All Gain Equalizers are Created Equal


    With RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave systems, the component and system losses, along with frequency dependent gain and losses of devices and components, lead to uneven frequency versus gain slopes in many systems. This is often undesirable, especially in high precision sensing and test and measurement applications. For example, with wideband radar technologies, a precisely controlled ..

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    The Limits of Limiting Amplifiers


    Is many applications, amplifiers are used to increase the strength of a signal, while minimizing the distortion and noise without sacrificing efficiency. However, with most receiver systems, and other applications, achieving the highest signal power isn’t the goal. As receivers circuits are typically highly sensitive to input power, and can be desensitized or damaged if ..

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    Introduction to Gunn Diode Oscillators


    A Gunn diode, though very unlike other common semiconductor diodes, is a transferred electron device (TED) that presents a negative resistance after its threshold voltage is adequately exceeded. The controllable negative resistance properties of a Gunn Diode allows it to be used as a microwave oscillator, and these devices are often used in microwave communications, ..

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    Handheld Analyzers and Cable Testers Require Rugged RF Test Cables Part 2


    In our last post, the potential benefits of rugged RF test cables for handheld analyzers and cable testers was discussed. In this post, we will focus more on the features of rugged RF test cables, and how they provide benefits for harsh environment and use applications. As was mentioned in the last blog, the main ..

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    Handheld Analyzers and Cable Testers Require Rugged RF Test Cables Part 1


    The most recent handheld RF analyzers and cable testers for telecommunications are multi-functional instruments rich with features, and offer near-laboratory grade performance. This is extremely impressive considering many of these testers, which operate as network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, fault testers, signal generators, power meters, modulation analyzers, amongst other features, can be slung over a shoulder ..

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    BMA Connectors Push beyond Twist Tighten RF Connectors


    In many applications, a threaded RF connection may be impractical, or even impossible. Some examples include panel, daughter cards, or inserts with many RF connections. In these cases the pitch between the connectors may necessarily be too small for a threaded nut, or the card/assembly may be inserted into a slot where there is no ..

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    What is so Special About the 4.3-10 Coaxial Connector?


    There are many coaxial connectors used in wireless and wired networks, including DIN 7/16, N, 4.1/9.5, and the 4.3-10 interface. Typically, the choice of a connector boils down to economics, power handling, size, and installation criteria. However, the increasing number of wireless network bands and mobile data rates pose a very stringent requirement for transmission ..

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    Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Basics


    There are many cases, especially within buildings, tunnels, large public venues, stadiums, and etc. where the signals from a cell tower does not provide sufficient coverage, or the density of users is just too great for a typical cellular approach. In these circumstances DAS installation can be employed to enhance the coverage in these areas, ..

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    What are the ISM Bands, and What Are They Used For?


    The Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency bands are designated radio frequency bands as defined by the ITU Radio Regulations. These frequency bands were set aside for RF use for purposes other than telecommunications. Hence, using the ISM bands for telecommunications is possible, but telecommunications devices using these frequencies must be able to withstand the ..

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    Small Cells are Certainly Making a Large Impact


    Small Cells are essentially a mobile wireless installation that is smaller in scope and size than a traditional macro base station. So, why are Small Cells, which provide less coverage and necessarily are composed of equipment that may not have the full capability of macro-cells, on the rise? An important note is that the term ..

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