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  • How to Calculate Frequency from Wavelength


    The concept of calculating frequency from wavelength is fundamental in the study of waves, including electromagnetic waves like light and radio. Understanding how these two properties relate, and how to calculate frequency from wavelength, can be useful in fields like telecommunications, physics, and engineering. Whether you’re working with sound waves, microwaves, or visible light, being ..

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    What is a BNC Cable And What does BNC Stand for?


    A common type of coaxial cable assembly used throughout the RF industry is a BNC cable, or BNC coaxial cable assembly. A BNC cable is used for signal routing below roughly 4 GHz (there are high precision BNC connectors that reach maximum frequencies to 12 GHz or beyond). BNC stands for Bayonet Neill–Concelman, and is ..

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    What Is A 2.4 GHz Antenna?


    There is a plethora of wireless communications antennas labeled as a 2.4 GHz antenna, this does not mean that these antennas only operate at exactly 2.4 GHz. It implies that they cover some area of the 2.4 GHz ISM band, which extends from 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz. In most cases, for the 2.4 GHz ..

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    What Does RF Stand For?


    Simply, RF stands for Radio Frequency. This generally refers to all of the electromagnetic spectrum that is used for radio systems and wireless communication. However, RF can also mean a variety of different things depending on the context of use. On some occasions when discussing spectrum, RF refers to the frequency range below microwaves, which ..

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    The Benefits and Uses of the Right Angle 3.5mm Adapter


    For engineers, testers, and hobbyists working with radio frequency (RF) equipment, the right angle 3.5mm adapter stands out as a particularly valuable tool. Often used in systems requiring compact arrangements or challenging angles, right angle coax adapters ensure seamless connectivity without compromising signal integrity. Not only does a right angle 3.5mm adapter save space, but ..

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    What is Plenum Rated Coaxial Cable?


    It is important for any installer, communications technician, and acquisition personnel to understand the purpose of “fire rated cables”, as lives are literally on the line. In the United States, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) outlines standards for in-building electrical wiring that are located in the National Electrical Code (NEC). Though the NEC isn’t ..

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    Does Matter for Smart Homes Matter for RF Hardware?


    This year, an increasing number of smart home devices are being shipped and marketed as Matter certified. Many of these smart home devices are wireless Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, which begs the questions: is Matter a relevant wireless standard, and does it/will it impact the wireless hardware in smart home IoT devices along with subsequent hardware ..

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    Wi-Fi Next Generation (Wi-Fi 7) Updates


    The next generation of Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.11be, or Wi-Fi 7 standard, is slated to be officially released in early 2024. However, there are already a host of devices on the market that are touting Wi-Fi 7 capabilities, as early drafts of the standard have been regularly released as the amendment has been developed. This means ..

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    What is a D-Sub Connector/Contact?


    D-Sub, or D-Subminiature, connectors are used in a variety of applications from military/defense to commercial technology and computer/networking technology. D-Sub connectors can be used for power, analog, RF, or digital signal transmission, and are often readily repaired/replaced/installed in the field. This connector style is extremely versatile and can be found anywhere from temperature-controlled data centers ..

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    Why 2.4mm Connectors Are the Backbone of High-Frequency, Eco-Compliant RF Systems


    In the world of RF and microwave engineering, 2.4mm connectors are indispensable, particularly in high-frequency and precision applications. Designed with a focus on handling high-frequency signal applications, these RF connectors are key to industries that require low-loss signal integrity and robust connectivity, such as telecommunications, aerospace, and advanced research labs. Because they also satisfy stringent ..

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