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  • 5G Oscillators Requirements Soar In the Wake of Stringent Timing & Synchronization Requirements


    Though 5G comes with many promises of a ubiquitous high-speed experience with dramatically improved performance over 4G systems, there are several necessary upgrades to underlying technology and infrastructure that are necessary to achieve those desired ends. One such area is with timing and synchronization. In order to realize the desired 5G network responsiveness for high ..

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    Basics of Chirp Radar – Radar Operation – Part 3


    Chirp Radar is a type of radar that uses frequency modulation and pulse compression (which may confuse many as chirp has also been used as a synonym for “pulse compression”), which combines the capabilities of frequency modulation and pulse radar. Some of the benefits of a Chirp radar over a simple pulse radar are range ..

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    Basics of FMCW Radar – Radar Operation – Part 2


    A continuous wave (CW) Doppler radar can be augmented via the use of frequency modulation. This type of radar is known as a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar. The use of frequency modulation allows for the detection of both range and target velocity, as well as the ability to discriminate between multiple targets. A ..

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    Basics of Pulse Radar – Radar Operation – Part 1


    A pulsed radar is a sensing system that uses a high power pulsed signal reflected off of objects to determine their distance from the radar antenna. The basic operation of a pulse radar is that a pulse modulator generates a short pulsed which is then amplified. The amplified pulse then passes through a duplexer or ..

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    How are End-launch, PCB Connectors Useful?


    There has been an increasing use of RF coaxial connectors, especially microwave and millimeter-wave coaxial connectors, for high-speed digital and precision sensing applications, There are also a growing trend toward highly compact and interconnect dense microwave and millimeter-wave systems, such as multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antennas for 5G and actively electronically scanned array (AESA) radar antennas. ..

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    Waveguide Amplifier Introduction & Applications


    Waveguide amplifiers, or full-band/multi-band waveguide amplifiers, are amplifiers housed in assemblies that have either waveguide or coaxial interconnect. Though waveguide interconnect is more common for waveguide amplifiers, some waveguide amplifiers have coaxial interconnect instead, but still perform as specified over a given waveguide frequency band. The main feature of waveguide amplifiers is that they are ..

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    When Are Skew-matched Coaxial Cable Assemblies Useful


    Skew-matched coaxial cable assemblies are an emerging solution that leverages coaxial cable technology for high-speed digital signal applications. These applications require precision timing between the high-speed protocol transmitter and receiver circuits, such as SERDES, USB 3.1, Ethernet, and PCIe. Rigorous testing is often needed to troubleshoot signal integrity issues in the channel, such as jitter, ..

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    Early Eye on 3GPP Release 17


    Even though 3GPP Release 16 and Release 17 freeze dates have been moved back 3 months due to global events, there is still a good emerging picture of what 3GPP Release 17 specifications will tackle. Where the goal of Release 16 is to introduce standalone millimeter-wave 5G specifications, the focus of Release 17 is to ..

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    What is a Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA)?


    A Voltage Variable, variable gain, or voltage controlled amplifier is a type of amplifier with a gain dependent on a control voltage input. These amplifiers are the backbone of amplitude modulation circuits. There are a wide range of types and styles of VCA’s that use various methods of controlling the gain. Some VCAs use voltage ..

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    Rundown of Key Considerations of RF Surge Protectors for Telecommunications


    Coaxial RF surge protectors, or lightning arresters/surge suppressors, are important components that help protect sensitive radio and sensing electronics with external components or cabling from electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or other types of electrical surges. The basic function of these components is to short the transmission line to ground in the case of surge that exceeds ..

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