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  • Waveguide Horn Antenna Primer


    A waveguide horn antenna is a type of aperture antenna that is designed with a gradual transition of the inner metallic walls to ensure an impedance match between the waveguide port to free space. In this way, a waveguide horn antenna’s aperture and axial length can be adjusted to achieve the desired gain and directivity ..

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    Indium Phosphide (InP) versus GaAs for Gunn Diode Oscillators


    Gunn Diodes have been used to build upper microwave, millimeter-wave, and even terahertz oscillators for a wide range of applications over 40 years. To this day, Gunn Diode oscillators are competitive with monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) oscillator solutions. Hence, Gunn Diodes have been the premier solid-state coherent power generation device at frequencies above ~10 ..

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    Advantages of the Double Ridge Waveguide Design


    Waveguides come in many varieties. The most common “shapes” for waveguide cross sections are rectangular and circular/oval. Waveguide can carry electromagnetic energy in several modes, though they are typically specified for a primary mode that presents the most desirable characteristics for loss and bandwidth. This mode is generally the transverse electric (TE) mode, where the ..

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    RF Component & Device Test Series: RF Filter Testing


    RF Frequency filters, or just filters, are components/devices that modify a signal’s amplitude and phase angle based on frequency. Filters are either passive or use active tuning electronics. Filters are designed with a predetermined frequency dependent transmission response and are predominately used to attenuate portions of the spectrum where undesirable signal components, interference, or noise ..

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    RF Component & Device Test Series: RF Low Noise Amplifier Testing


    Low noise amplifiers (LNAs) are a critical component for telecommunication and sensing systems, as the weak receive signals often need to be at a higher signal level for optimal demodulation, digitization, driving another circuit, or for measurements to be made. LNAs are also used throughout signal chains to add gain to low power signals when ..

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    RF Component & Device Test Series: How Are Active RF Devices Tested


    RF devices are active elements in the RF signal chain and are used in almost all RF systems with exception of purely passive systems. Active RF devices are distinguished from passive RF devices in that electrical power or electrical control signals are used to energize the device and change its performance. In many cases, active ..

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    RF Component & Device Test Series: How Are RF Passive Devices Tested


    RF passive components are used in virtually every RF assembly and system for communications, sensing, and test and measurement applications. Hence, testing RF passives is critical to all applications. RF passives testing may be for characterization, quality control/verification, or maintenance/troubleshooting depending on the use case of the RF passive and if it is under development, ..

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    Microwave Measurement Methods of Dielectrics


    Conductors, semiconductors, and insulators are the main building blocks of virtually all RF/microwave electronics. Insulators have dielectric properties that impact the electric fields that pass through them. In order to design an RF component or device, detailed knowledge of the dielectric properties of the insulators used in the construction of the component/device is essential. The ..

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    Waveguide Amplifier Introduction & Applications


    Waveguide amplifiers are amplifiers specifically designed to be housed within a waveguide assembly. This provides some intrinsic advantages and trade-offs compared with coaxial connectorized amplifier assemblies or pallet amplifiers. Given that waveguide amplifiers are designed to directly mate with a given waveguide size and type, they are innately banded, as the waveguide has a limited ..

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    RF Applications Series: Buried Object Detection Using Ground Penetrating Radar


    Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a technology that uses pulses of electromagnetic energy sent into the ground to create reflections from the ground compositions and objects within the ground. These reflections can then be analyzed by software and turned into a plot or map projection so that objects within the ground can be identified or ..

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