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  • What is a Magic-Tee, and Why Are They So Magical?


    A Magic-Tee is a 4-port waveguide structure similar to a rat-race coupler fabricated with striplines or microstrip waveguides. The Magic-Tee, or EH plane Tee, is able to perform an apparently “magical” function, which is to allow for energy going into the E and H plane ports to be divided between the two colinear ports while ..

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    Why Are Frequency Band Designations So Confusing?


    A quick google search of “frequency bands” will often provide links to radio spectrum, cellular frequencies, spectrum bands, etc. If the searcher is so bold as to click on Wikipedia’s “Radio Spectrum” page, they will likely encounter tables with swaths of the electromagnetic spectrum designated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), IEEE, EU/NATO/US ECM, and ..

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    Distinctions and Types of Horn Antennas


    There are many types of antennas to serve the various RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave applications. A very common antenna for microwave and millimeter-wave systems are horn antennas, which have been in use since the early 1900s. Horn antennas are essentially rectangular or circular waveguides that reduce the size of a waveguide or coaxial port at ..

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    What are RF Isolators and RF Circulators?


    RF circulators are three port devices designed to provide isolation between transmit and receive signals for radar, actively electronically steered antenna (AESA) arrays, satellite communications, and telecommunications applications. An isolator is a modified circulator with one port terminated with a matched impedance. Circulators and isolators are typically used to protect sensitive receiver circuitry from high ..

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