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  • Constraints and Considerations for Bi-directional Amplifiers


    Bi-directional amplifiers are used to strengthen communication signals between two points for a wide array of applications. This include boosting signals along large subterranean or in-building distributed antenna systems (DAS), acting as a repeater to a remote observation station, and even enabling rapidly deployable portable networks with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). As many modern uses ..

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    Waveguide Preventative Maintenance


    Though many failure modes cannot be predicted or avoided, many of the common failure modes of waveguide assemblies can be avoided by properly accounting for the applications demands and running preventative maintenance programs. If the outer coating/jacket of a waveguide cable run is important in preventing environmental ingress, visual and chemical inspections can be performed ..

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    Introduction to RF Baluns


    A balun, meaning balanced-unbalanced, is a three-port device that converts differential signals to single-ended signals, and vice versa. Hence, a balun presents a 180° phase shift between the signals in the balanced end, unlike a power divider with no phase shift between the splitting ports. This functionality allows for baluns to take the input, or ..

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    12 Tips and FAQs for Selecting the Right Coaxial Cable


    The growth of wireless and high speed data applications has only expanded the use of coaxial cabling beyond traditional video and telecommunications uses. With the growth and standardization of coaxial cabling for a wide range of applications, coaxial cabling has become very familiar in the home, office, telecommunication facility, rail platform, industrial plant, and government/public ..

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    What you need to Consider When Selecting an Attenuator


    A systems engineer will often weigh many factors when selecting the appropriate attenuator for a specific application. An application may demand greater electrical, physical, or environmental properties from an attenuator and these factors will ultimately dictate the design constraints that lead to attenuator selection. The main electrical parameters considered, are the attenuation level and how ..

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